Friday Videos: Legos and Eddie Izzard

Courtesy of jdavis, we have Eddie Izzard, animated by Legos. The second one damn near killed me. It really strengthened my ab.


Friday Videos

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  1. kpsr. says:

    sweet lord, do i love eddie izzard. my roommate and i often quote bits for no reason. especially popular are “hello, we’re muuuurderers. twix please!”

    also, “yes, i think you’d better had.”

    and of course, the engelbert humperdink bit. so good.

  2. azteclady says:

    Wow, you guys added formatting and stuff *blink*



    I love the first one. Looooooooooove it.

  3. Carrie Lofty says:

    I like the Legos, but I miss his facial expressions when he talks. That raised eyebrow when he’s gone off a little too far…

  4. Alandra says:

    Ooh! He’s doing a tour in the U.S. I bought tickets a few days ago. Love him!

  5. Rinda says:

    Oh man, that first one killed me!  This tray is wet.

  6. Kate Pearce says:

    I love Eddie Izzard-combined with lego? unbeatable:) Kate x

  7. Delia says:

    Oh, wow.  Smart Bitches, you just made my week!

  8. rayvyn2k says:

    Cake or death?

    spamblock word: bill61…nothing suggestive about that one, just my luck.

  9. Tina C. says:

    I loved these and the other ones on that acct (“Cake or DEATH?”) but I was disappointed that whoever is making these didn’t do the riff about going to France and bringing props so that he can actually use the phrases he learned in French class.  (“La souris est sur la table.  Le chat est sous la chaise.  Le singe est sur la bicyclette.  Eh?  Ou est le singe?—Because the monkey would f*ck off because that’s what monkeys do.”)

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