SBTB Bestseller

SBTB/DA Bestsellers List: 3 - 9 November 2011

The good reviews and the good prices, they are the stuff of magic. Or, sales, at least!

  1. Red by Kait Nolan [Kindle | Smashwords | BN | GoodReads
  2.   Dead Girls are Easy by Terri Garey [Amazon | Kobo | BN | WORD Brooklyn]
  3. All They Need by Sarah Mayberry [Amazon | Kindle | BN & nook | Kobo | WORD Brooklyn |
  4. The Windflower by Laura London [Sharon & Tom Curtis] [AmazonBN
  5. Edge of Sight by Roxanne St. Claire [Amazon | Kobo | BN]
  6. Heart of Steel by MelJean Brook [Amazon | Kindle | BN & nook | Kobo | WORD Brooklyn]
  7.   Heartstrings and Diamond Rings by Jane Graves [Amazon | Kindle | BN & nook | Kobo | WORD Brooklyn]
  8. The Heart Breaker by Nicole Jordan [AMZ | BN
  9. Hot Head by Damon Suede [Amazon | Kobo | BN
  10. Nobody’s Angel by Patricia Rice [Amazon | BN]

So what are you reading this week? Anything awesome set your brain on fire this past weekend? Share share!



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  1. Donna says:

    Late to the game, but I just finished “Unveiled” by Courtney Milan, and I am HOOKED! I am now jonesing for another fix so I’ve reserved everything in my library and the Linkin network we belong to. So what if I need to do major housekeeping before the family descends for Thanksgiving dinner. A girl’s gotta have her priorities.

    spamword: hand69. Well now that’s an interesting brain picture…

  2. bookstorecat says:

    I just finished Sea Change by Darlene Marshall!

  3. cleo says:

    This week I read The Bride and the Buccaneer by Darlene Marshall (because I liked Sea Change so much).  I love discovering a new author. 

    And I also just finished SEALed with a Kiss and I enjoyed it.  Didn’t love everything about it, but really enjoyed reading a well drawn heroine with Celiac.

  4. Jeannie says:

    I find it so interesting just how much the reviews and discussions on DA and SBTB influence these numbers. I took part in the discussion of Hot Head and the comments were mixed but yet people still went out and bought this book. Personally I loved it so there, maybe that’ll boost Mr. Suede’s numbers even a tiny bit more.

    I also bought Sarah Mayberry’s book based on Jane’s recommendation. I haven’t started it yet but I’m looking forward to it very much.

    You girls! These authors should send you a fruit basket or something dipped in chocolate!

  5. SB Sarah says:

    It does seem that sale prices and strong recommendations (or sweet feisty controversy) do much to create sales of books. And as Jaye Wells said to me once, “Any book that sells is good for all of us.”

  6. Deirdre says:

    Last week I read “Heart of Steel” by Meljean Brook and “The Black Hawk” by Joanne Bourne. Both fantastic!

    I plan on reading “Unveiled” by Courtney Milan this week—finally!

  7. Taylor Reynolds says:

    New Joanne Bourne!!!! I just finished it last night and am quite sad as I know I have to wait months and months and months for the next book. I’ve also been glomming Anne Mallory lately, but I’ve managed to read her pub list completely backward, so as I find her older books, I’m not as obsessed. Still fun reads though.

    And after this weekend’s tweetathon, Courtney Milan is sitting in my cart at Amazon.

  8. Donna says:

    OMG!!! How did I miss a new Joanna Bourne?! Thanks Deirdre!
    And “Heart of Steel” just arrived on my doorstep, so I guess that’ what I’ll be posting next week!

  9. Thanks for the kind words, everyone.  This week I’ve got Snuff by Terry Pratchett.  It will be a bittersweet read, knowing that Pratchett’s begun the process to end his own life.  He has early onset Alzheimer’s.

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