This is the gayest thing ever

This video is gayer than two gay men having sex, and that’s pretty gay.

I mean it. Just when you think it can’t get any more gay, IT DOES.

Seriously. It has Kurt Browning, Alexei Yagudin, John Zimmerman and assorted other ice skaters wiggling, writhing and pumping in tight-ass cowboy outfits. To the remixed version of Elvis’s “A Little Less Conversation.”

In summary: GAY. Hot as hell, and gay, gay, gay.

(Update: Broke my poor little Catfoodguide server, but bless JT for uploading ze video to Youtube.)


The Link-O-Lator

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  1. Raina_Dayz says:

    Oh my god.  Definitely one of the gayest things I’ve ever seen in my life, and my family got stuck behind the first barrier at the san francisco gay pride parade for an hour after church when I was a kid.  Chaps anyone?

    Stay tuned for the last 15 seconds!

  2. CindyS says:

    Uh, I didn’t catch the first part of what the woman was saying so I thought she said these guys were real cowboys doing the skating.  (I don’t know anything about male skaters) I was kinda of impressed with what they could do for probably never having skated like that before.  But then I started to wonder if a real cowboy would be caught dead doing this
    (unless they are gay cowboys) so after the finish I rewatched the front where the girl is talking and I still can’t hear exactly what she is saying.  I think she might be saying that they look good as cowboys as opposed to what I thought she meant which was, they were good at it for cowboys.

    Seriously, though, I haven’t even seen Brokeback Mountain and now I wondering if there will a rejuvination of the cowboy westerns in romance or if western will die off completely.


  3. KariBelle says:

    WOW!  That was gayer than my friend Ronnie from college who used to swear he wasn’t wearing make-up but ALWAYS had lipstick on his teeth.  If even one of those guys was only bi-sexual when they started that little dance, he was completely gay by the time they finished.  Unbelievable.

  4. Katidid says:

    The woman at the start is Jaime Sale, the Canadian gold medal pairs skater who totally got ripped off in the judging scandal of Salt Lake 2002. Not that us Canadians hold grudges or nothin’. But the point is, she’s right. This woman totally enjoyed that display. It’s enough to make any girl sit up and say ‘Yee Hah!’

  5. Yes, very enjoyable. And very gay. Each stunt is gayer than the last. It’s four minutes of, “Well, that’s the gayest thing I’ve ever seen”…“No, that’s the gayest thing I’ve ever seen”…“No…”

  6. Alisha says:

    Question: Who is the blonde guy in the tan vest? He’s beyond nummy.

  7. AnimeJune says:

    Wow – as my friend Scott would say, “That’s gayer than 8 guys screwing 9 guys.”

  8. Robin says:

    Question: Who is the blonde guy in the tan vest? He’s beyond nummy.

    Are you referring to the guy with longish, swimsuit model hair?  That’s majorly boinkable John Zimmerman, former pairs skater, currently skating with Jillian Barberie on the eminently embarrassing “Skating with the Stars” and married to that Italian skater who came out of retirement to compete in Torino (Silvia Fontana).

    As for the whole thing, OMG—I didn’t think I’d see anything gayer this week thanDrew Lachey’s dancing with the stars “Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy” number. But you’re right, Candy, it was hot as hell, too. Yowza.

  9. Bonnie says:

    Who can ‘splain the attraction of ice skating/dancing??!! Did you hear the screeing of the women in the background?! LOL

    Here’s a link to some stills from that performance:

    Just in case anyone wanted something for their desktop …

    And here’s the conundrum … yes, it’s hot as hell, but oh so gay. WTF?!

    — Rapidreader

  10. Kate R says:

    would it have been gay a year ago? yah, but more subtly so—well, except for the bit with the one guy going between the other guy’s legs. Oh and the hats at the end. And the butt waggling throughout. But otherwise, it wouldn’t have SCREAMED gay. . Brokeback syndrome.

    I better watch it again, just to look for signs of subtle heterosexuality.

  11. Laura V says:

    I had the same thoughts as Kate – it didn’t seem particularly ‘gay’ to me. The hat thing at the end reminded me of the end of The Full Monty, where the male strippers are down to nothing but their hats (which they then throw into the female crowd – but the viewer of the film only gets to see that from behind). Why is men wiggling and dancing together gay in a way that if done by female dancers probably wouldn’t have everyone calling it lesbian? Maybe it was a bit more sexual than the opening dance scenes of West Side Story, but I got the impression that the wiggles were directed at the audience, so that doesn’t make it clearly ‘gay’. I think that it’s really only ‘gay’ in the context of Brokeback Mountain.

  12. Robin says:

    Besides the fact that I read Candy’s use of the word “gay” as embracing both dorkiness and homoeroticism, The Full Monty was exactly what came to mind when I watched the clip.  And I think the cowboys on ice clip is homoerotic in some of the same ways as TFM (except with more uniformly hunky guys).  A nice refreshing blend of masculine prowess and sexually charged contact between these guys.

  13. Emily says:

    Gah—when this is the first thing you see during your morning browsing, suddenly a second cup of coffee seems needless.
    Gayer than all get-out, but haaaaaaahhht.

    Except I feel kind of sorry for that ONE guy at the end who doesn’t have a big enough—belt buckle—to hang his hat off of and so his hat just drops to the ice and lies there in a sad, crumpled little heap.

  14. Kristie(J) says:

    Now call me different, but I liked it.  I’m a fan of the figure skate and I’ve seen most of these guys skate in person.  One of the other skaters was David Peltier (husband of Jamie Sale) and a cuter couple you’ve never seen.  And as Katiedid said – not that we Canadians hold a grudge or anything.  And Alexei Yagudin? – wow – sex on a stick that one is.

  15. fiveandfour says:

    OMG, I haven’t squeed and laughed that hard in days. 

    So I was wondering: there’s heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, metrosexual…is the term “skatersexual” for routines like that?  ‘Cause it definitely deserves it’s own word.  “Skatersexual” is kind of uninspired, though – it needs something with a bit more oomph.

  16. fiveandfour says:

    OMG, I haven’t squeed and laughed that hard in days. 

    So I was wondering: there’s heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, metrosexual…is the term “skatersexual” for routines like that?  ‘Cause it definitely deserves it’s own word.  (“Skatersexual” is kind of uninspired, though – it needs something with a bit more oomph in the hip thrust sense of the word.)

  17. Charity says:

    Yes, that is very gay.  I wouldn’t say that it’s hot at all though.  It’s too gay to be hot to me.  Maybe if I were a homosexual man I’d be drooling all over this. 

    Gayness Level = 10
    Hotness Level = 2

  18. Carolyn B. says:

    Well, call me gay-ignorant, because all I wanted to do after seeing those fellows skate was fan myself. Lord have mercy they were hot! Expecially the dude in the sleeveless tan shirt and the white hat. He was smokin’.

    Re skatersexual—how about these alternatives:


    Okay, those have way different connotations than I’m intending. Never mind! ;o)

  19. Sarah F. says:

    OMG, it’s Brokeback on Ice!!  That was terrific, and the first video file I’ve ever saved on my computer for future watching!  Incredibly hot!

    I gather this WASN’T during the Olympics?

  20. Jennie says:

    I have very vague recollections of seeing this when it first aired & thinking it was kind of hot. 

    Now all I could think of is the Brokeback boys on figure skates—sigh, the magic is gone.

  21. Shaunee says:

    Gay as a French pastry, but there’s no denying that they look damn good in those jeans.

    HotAssosexual maybe.

  22. KariBelle says:

    Okay, I have to retract my earlier statement because Robin’s post reminded me where I have seen that blonde hottie before.  John Zimmerman got himself “Queer Eyed” a couple of years ago when that show was at its peak.  The Fab 5 left a snail trail of drool behind them everywhere they took him, even before they did any work on him.  His wife is beautiful and they were very cute together. Apparantly one of the other skaters is married too.  I will defend myself and others by saying that although I am not a huge figure skating fan, I have seen enough of it to know that it is not always THAT gay.

    I am amending my statement to say that any of those guys who are straight must be the straightest straight guys in the history of straightdom because there is no way they could have survived that sexy little fancy-dance if they did not have superhuman confidence in their straightness.

  23. celeste says:

    It definitely had a Full Monty feeling to it. The jeans really play up how muscular these guys are. ::fans self:: I’m usually not the type to squee over hot guys, but if I were going to, this’d be it.

  24. mk says:

    HOTTT.  I am disappointed that the server has overloaded and cannot allow me to watch that over and over and over again.  Reminds me of Matthew Bourne’s production of the Swan Lake ballet, which featured an all-male cast and no tutus.  The dancing was muscular, virile, provocative…and I just about passed out cold when the Black Swan appeared in tight leather trousers.

  25. Samantha says:

    Good god, I HAVE to go watch some hockey immediatly.

  26. Kristie(J) says:

    Karibeelle:  Being a fan, I know that most of them are married!

  27. Ohmigod. Someone ice me down!

  28. celeste says:

    mk, is this DVD the same thing you saw?

    I’ve been doing lots o’ research into ballet lately, so that’s how I can justify purchasing it.

  29. I had to watch it again just to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

    Can I go back and add John Zimmerman to my celebs-I’d-boink list?

  30. celeste says:

    When I saw him in the video, I figured JZ was a Russian, but once I tracked down who he was, I was surprised to find out he was from Alabama!

  31. PL says:

    Thank you so much for sharing that clip! What a lovely way to start a Monday morning!

    I hope you won’t mind: I’ve posted links, with proper credit, to this clip and to your site on my LiveJournal community fs_watchers, for those who enjpy watching figure skating.

  32. shaina says:

    just an innocent query: why is it gay when guys do it, but not when girls do? i mean, if those were cowGIRLS out there shaking booty and holding hands, nobody would say, “that was so lesbian!”, right?
    not that i’m attacking what you’re saying, cuz i totally agree, but just as one of those thought-provoking things…yup.

  33. mk says:


    Yep.  That’s the one.  Bit o’ trivia for you, it’s the ballet that Billy Elliot performs in at the end of the film of the same name.  There are a few female performers in it, but all the swans are bare-chested, barefoot men.  I’d like it even if my salivary glands were shut off; it’s a nice interpretation, quite modern, bit of a poke at the royals.

  34. Robin says:

    just an innocent query: why is it gay when guys do it, but not when girls do? i mean, if those were cowGIRLS out there shaking booty and holding hands, nobody would say, “that was so lesbian!”, right?

    To me it has to do with a couple of things, the first being that we’re used to seeing women dancing together, even to expect that women will take to the dance floor together rather than wait to be asked my men. It’s clearly not fair, IMO, that we still associate men touching in certain ways as more effeminate (that, for example, we’re more accepting of women showing certain kinds of emotions openly and physically), but I think it’s still true.

    But films, for example often use men dancing together (as partners, not in sync, for example) to communicate homosexuality (i.e. contrast the dancing scene between Bill Macy and Jeremy Northam’s characters in “Happy, Texas” from the teeaching sequences between Kevin Bacon and Chris Penn’s characters in “Footloose,” which were each fraught with a very different sense of awkwardness and anxiety). 

    What gave the skating clip a whole aura of homoeroticism for me (and let me just say I liked the clip a lot) was the way the guys had this sort of Chippendales thing going, on the one hand, performing in a hyper-masculine way for the women in the audience, but at the same time, doing lifts, etc. that clearly evoked conventional pairs skating.  The cowboy thing may have become more of a marker since “Brokeback,” but still the combination of exaggerated masculinity with the out and out pairs dancing aspects of the routine created the effect of blended sexuality for me.

  35. shaina says:

    cool. thanks robin. good perspective.

  36. shaina says:

    thanks robin.

  37. Anne says:

    I was all set to show up here and start bitching about gender stereotypes… but that is *so* gay! Dammit.

    Thing is, it doesn’t have anything direct to do with sexuality – the guys show no signs of being attracted to each other (even less than the girls grinding each other on the dancefloor at your local rave) – but culturally, that’s the sort of thing that happens in the gay culture and not in the straight-male culture.

    Guys shaking their asses for girls – don’t see it much. Guys shaking their asses for other guys – much more normal, just like girls shaking their asses for guys.  Why that should be, I hesitate to speculate…

  38. Kristin says:

    Apparently it’s just the male half of the cast from Stars on Ice.  I think it’s definitely the cowboy thing making it look so gay now because I just watched a bunch of other videos on youtube (search for “stars on ice cast”) and even the other all guy ones don’t look anywhere near as gay, with some of the same moves.  So it looks less gay to me now after watching the other ones, but it was still totally hot even when I thought it was totally gay.

  39. Jay in Oregon says:

    I’m sorry, my brain shut down after seeing the singer’s lips at the center or a brown star at the beginning of the video.

    That conjured up a mental image that will singlehandedly send me spiralling towards the H-E-double hockey sticks.

    And for the life of me I can’t imagine who I would send this video to (although anonymously mailing it to a couple of raging homophobes I know comes to mind…)

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