Missed Connections + Romance = WIN

I am a walking boner.From the “Someone Alert a Grant-Bestowing Organization STAT” department, we have Mary Behr’s art in progress that mixes CraigsList missed connection posts with vintage Harlequin covers:

In the form of stickers, these mash-ups are then reintroduced to the public by placement in a subway car, not incidentally the site of many of these “missed connections.

I love the Missed Connections section of CraigsList, to be honest. Some of them are beyond creepy, but every so often there’s reassurance that in a sea of people who don’t seem to notice they are surrounded by thousands of other people, sometimes, someone is watching, sees you, and wonders. In a non-creepy way.

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  1. Tae says:

    That is fantastic! I love it.

  2. HAHAHA!!! This is great.

  3. Megan says:

    FWIW, I met the love of my life on a subway platorm in DC. The story is here.

  4. Megan says:

    Platform. Bah.

    The sangria (my grad-thesis-mental-lubricant of choice) must be getting to me.

    Verification word: needs87. As in, I need 87 more days before I’ll be ready to hand this thing in!

  5. flea says:

    I know a married couple who got in touch through a missed connections ad.  They noticed each other on the subway, first.

  6. Wry Hag says:

    I just love craigslist, period.  Some of the rants on the “Best of” page put us bitches to shame!

  7. Jessica says:

    What a coincidence! Today on Ellen she had two people who met on an airplane and then used CraigsList’s Missed Connections to get back in touch. Six months later, the guy proposed to her on MC!


  8. Denni says:

    Wow, the Dating Game of the new century.  Amazing!

  9. Chicklet says:

    GENIUS. Someone needs to have a whole web page of those vintage covers, because they are AWESOME. I particularly like the one of the blonde in the lavender coat walking away from the bekilted guy.

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