Link-o-lation: Fun, Games, and Panties of Protest

New hero option for all your works in progress: Demon Flanders Mantitty. WOW. (Graceful Curtsy to Miri for the link.)

No less than four different readers forwarded me the best catalog discovery blog entry ever and I laughed so hard I literally fell sideways off a chair. AND I know what I’m getting Hubby for Hanukkah. SCORE!

From Bitchery Link Master Lucinda, we have >Free Rice – for every word you define correctly, rice is donated through the UN World Food Program with revenue generated by site advertisements. 

And finally, my favorite bit of activism from a great source: Eric Selinger, who is brainy and awesome, sent me a link to his rabbi’s blog (and really, shouldn’t your rabbi have a blog?) where the good Rabbi writes about Panties for Peace, which targets Burma’s military regime by sending their embassies around the world envelopes filled with women’s underwear: The manoeuvre is a calculated insult to the junta and its leader, General Than Shwe. Superstitious junta members believe that any contact with female undergarments – clean or dirty – will sap them of their power, said Jackie Pollack, a member of the Lanna Action for Burma Committee. Here’s a list of embassies around the world should you find some panties and an envelope.


The Link-O-Lator

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  1. Okay, these are all great, but that JCPenney’s catalog? Mind-meltingly awesome!!! I’m purty glad my family was poor as dirt in the seventies, because that means there were fewer of those Outfits around the house. (Capitalized to indicate that all Outfits are available in matching couples’ ensembles.)

  2. Qadesh says:

    Dang girl, you should warn a bitch before you throw her into a 1977 wormhole.  That was some seriously ugly shit.  It’s a miracle any of us who were around, survived that decade.  Although I have to admit both of my grandfathers were aficionados of the jumpsuit, however I don’t remember either one having it in harvest gold.  Lucked out on that one.  Light blue, maroon and gray were bad enough.  Trust me.

    But I roared laughing at the good rabbi’s Panties for Peace.  How mind numbingly subversive is that!! Ladies, don’t throw away your old skanky panties.  Instead mail them to a Burma/Myanmar embassy and sap the ruling junta of it’s power.  Can it get any better than that?

  3. L.D. 50 says:

    re:  JC Penney 1977—Oh, how I wish I had paid attention in school on hyperlink day cuz, damn, what are the chances of seeing those harlequin barrel chairs twice in one week?  If someone can fix this to work :

    there are those chairs, alive and well, in the WashingtondamnPost, so you know it’s true.

    various87?  no, various77.  word.

  4. Sandra D says:

    Dayum, I wonder how much power I can sap with my size 4X granny panties?

  5. TracyS says:

    That JCPenney catalog link~I was laughing so hard I was crying!! It wasn’t just the pictures, it was the commentary that had me laughing so hard!

  6. Wry Hag says:

    Wow, helluva dilemma for Burmese fetishists: Do I a.) indulge my desire to snorf ass- and crotch-tainted cloth or b.) preserve, protect and defend my vast reserves of power? 

    Tough decision.  I don’t envy the poor sonsabitches.


  7. Cori says:

    Holy cripe, I own that barrel table 15-Minute Lunch so proudly displays. Or more accurately, my grandmother owns it, and I spent many years sitting at it. It’s as comfortable as sitting inside a barrel, with no risk of drowning!

  8. closetcrafter says:

    Sarah, I almost sent you that email last week whenI got it from a friend because I immediately thought of you when I started spreading it around, but I didn’t want you to think I was stalking you or something, next time I will forward away!

  9. Angelina says:

    Panties for Peace – Woo-hoo! or should I say Hoo-hoo? Guess who is dragging out her Bedazzler tonight to write Fiznuck You on a pair or panties….this girl!! It’s a good thing I have a big ass – I will have plenty of room to spell fiznuck!

    my word can31 – oh I can and I will!

  10. OMG – I probably perused that very catalog in the day because my mom LOVED LOVED LOVED Penney’s. I don’t recall my parents ever wearing matching clothes or any jumpsuits but maybe I’m just blocking all of that out. I was only 6 in 1977.

    I’m not sending my panties anywhere, but that free rice link? Addictive!!

  11. Kimberly Anne says:

    I am officially obsessed with Free Rice. It’s like a Reese’s Cup – two of my favorite things brought together in a marvel of deliciousness.  Helping people and learning new words, how could I go wrong? 

    And just as fabulous, Panties for Peace.  I love people.  They invent the coolest shit!

  12. SandyW says:

    The 15 Minute Lunch entry? Proof positive that the 70’s were, by and large, an ugly-ass decade. Especially the later half.

    Full disclosure: I graduated high school in 1977.

    I do have to say that this guy picked the nastiest examples possible. And, no, I never wore anything like any of that stuff. Well, except for the suit on the seated chic on the cover. Only mine was cream-colored instead of white. And I had a jumpsuit. But it was black, party-wear, and Extremely Cool.

    Gotta go. Those colors are making me nauseous.

  13. EmmyS says:

    Yikes! The Panties for Peace rabbi’s synagogue is in my town! I’m surprised I haven’t heard of this.

  14. I sent the Free Rice link around to a few romance readers, too, because if you play for a few minutes you’ll notice that so many of the words are in romance novels – like strumpet and akimbo – when was the last time you hear those words outside of a trashy novel? 🙂

  15. Nancy Beck says:

    “It’s a miracle any of us who were around, survived that decade.”

    Damn straight.

    The 70s was nothing but WTF? fashion moments.  And that includes what went on the walls, the floors, even appliances.  Hubby and I had this ugly-ass puke green oven when we first moved into our house.  What is with that decade and all the crappy color combos?

    Those of you who weren’t born in that decade…consider yourself lucky. 😉

  16. you’ll notice that so many of the words are in romance novels – like strumpet and akimbo – when was the last time you hear those words outside of a trashy novel?

    Akimbo! HAHAHA

    Regarding those 70’s colors… When my hubby and I first moved in together (living in sin) in 1995, he moved to Colorado first and got an apartment and job, etc. I followed a month or so later. He’d rented this quaint little apartment, which was fine except that the kitchen appliances were avocado green. Okay, fine. Until I go into the bathroom and find that the toilet and tub are harvest gold! Ohmigod! Green AND gold? So I was complaining about it and my husband says, “Oh, the manager offered me an apartment with white fixtures, but I said this one was fine.” OHMIGOD!!! Are you kidding me? Smooth move, darlin’. They must have saved those units for the single guys who showed up.

  17. Randi says:

    SB Sarah: Fie! Fie on you! Banish that Free Rice. It is detrimental to my work, to my sanity, to my everything! I am up to 2180 grains of rice (and that on my third trip to the site TODAY). Bad! Bad Free Rice!


  18. asrai.r says:

    Victoria: I currently reside in my mobile home which was built somewhere in late 70’s early 80’s.  BOTH of my bathrooms have the original harvest gold fixtures. And one has pink walls (not my choice color). The other has blue walls.  I don’t have the money, time or inclination to change this either.
    My hubby LOVES the pink and yellow bathroom. (espcecially since my bathmats in that bathroom are dark pink).

  19. Brandi says:

    Man… I was gonna recommend It Came From the 1971 Catalog, but the site is down—or (I hope not!) gone.

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