
So in the middle of the Nora Q and A, someone asked a question about Heather Locklear being cast in Angel’s Fall, and what she thought of that.

Nora answered what she’s said before – that she thought Locklear was a talented actor, and was very pleased by the way it came out.

The person asking the question replied, “Well, you’re wrong.”

That sound was my jaw hitting the floor.

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  1. Cindy says:

    It takes all kinds. *roll eyes*

  2. Lauren Dane says:

    Cripes. I wonder if Nora has the art of not guffawing in people’s faces when they’re stupid down yet.

    That person is probably over at Amazon right now, writing a three screen long screed about it.

  3. Stephanie says:

    How? What? Who are these people? And why are they allowed to leave their houses?

  4. laurad says:

    My Nora bobblehead stopped nodding and started shaking.

  5. Teddy Pig says:

    SO where did Nora put the body after she made the kill in the hallway on the way out?

  6. Teddy Pig says:

    Oh there you are! I wanted to thank you for your insightful question this morning. I have this special Nora Bobble Head doll for my special fans.
    Would you like one?
    Oh no, thank you the pleasure was all mine.

    Nora walks away *tick* *tick* *tick*

  7. bam says:

    that’s so horrible and awesome at the same time.

  8. karibelle says:


  9. This is wonderful.  I get to sit in the comfort of my home, feet up, scotch in hand, while you ferret out the best gossip from RWA.

    Thanks for being there for us!

  10. Deanna Lee says:

    Just WOW.

    And my only question—- no one near the woman smacked her in the back of the head?

  11. Kim says:


    And was she attacked by the mob afterward?  Yeesh!

  12. SandyO says:

    I hope Nora casually mentioned how much she got for the rights to the book.  I think the amount would make her right.

  13. RB says:

    Some people just have no manners, sadly.

  14. Gabrielle says:

    Excellent! Thanks for my morning laugh.

  15. Jay in Oregon says:

    This anecdote just goes to show that fandom is all the same once you scratch the surface. This question could easily have been “Why didn’t you kill Wesley Crusher in the final episode of TNG?” or “Whose bright idea was it to make Superman a peeping tom in SUPERMAN RETURNS?”

    Thankfully, it sounds like Nora had too much class to respond.

  16. Robin says:

    LOL—where’s the love for Locklear?!  I think the insult was actually directed at her!

  17. Ann Aguirre says:

    The woman in question was sitting right behind me, and she continued bitching under her breath as Nora was elaborating on her answer about how well Heather Locklear did. After she finished speaking, the ‘fan’ said, “You’re too kind” (re: Heather).

  18. desertwillow says:

    So I guess the crazy lady doesn’t like Heather Locklear.

  19. Deb Kinnard says:

    Well, anyone has a right not to like any actor they choose, but…how unutterably rude.

    I’m no fan of Nora R after some very public trashing she did a year or two ago.  And I don’t like her books.  They’re boring. 

    But I’m not about to stand up in public and diss her, or her choices, or anyone.  That’s not bitchy in the true and best sense.  That’s just bad manners.

  20. Nora Roberts says:

    It was weird. I mean, jeez, what did HL ever DO to this woman? She was relentless in her dislike—and quite obviously expected me to agree with her.

    To Deb, I accept you don’t like my books, but I’m baffled by the public trashing comment.

  21. Deb says:

    I just want to go on record as saying (even though I almost only ever lurk) that I’m a different Deb from the one who doesn’t like Nora.  Because I pretty much love it all.  Even if I think I might not like it, I read it because it’s Nora and I inevitably end up loving it. 

    *back to lurking now*

  22. Alyssa says:

    Nora just shrugged elegantly—a good response to the woman who kept going on and on.

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